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Can I Install CCTV at my Property?

Before getting a CCTV system for your home, there are a couple of quick considerations you should think about first.
  • • Why do I need CCTV?
  • • And what do I want the security camera(s) to record?
  • • How will the recording be stored?
You have the right to protect your property, and CCTV is just one of the possible security measures you can take. If you rent a home then you will firstly need to see written permission from your landlord before installing CCTV as part of the installation will require drilling holes into the wall.

What Are The Benefits of Installing CCTV in Your Home?

Live CCTV - SMD Electrical Contractors We’ve gathered together some of the key benefits of using a CCTV system can have at your place of work and residency.
  • • Deter Criminal Activity
  • • Reduce Home Insurance Rates
  • • Increased security
  • • Monitors activities

Deter Criminal Activity

Just like seeing a mounted alarm system a potential intruder will see cameras and deter any intrusion.

Reduce Home Insurance Costs

By taking steps to make your property more secure and reduce the likelihood of your property being damaged or vandalised you are more likely to reduce your policy cost.

Increased security

A camera system provides people with an increased sense of security and reassurance, particularly in areas with a high rate of criminal activity.

Data Protection Act 1998 when installing home CCTV

Most home security cameras capture footage from beyond your property boundary; it’s often unavoidable. So it is important that you follow these guidelines: • Put up clear signs for transparency that CCTV is in operation • Only use the footage for security purposes • Secure storage of the data and for as long as you need it • Don’t release the footage to third parties Where a camera has been installed to prevent crime, you can keep the footage for as long as you need to detect and prosecute the crime. The footage captured can also be passed on to the police and other local authorities. SMD Electrical have a team of friendly installation engineers available to meet demand across Staffordshire & Cheshire Contact 01782 216911 for information or for a quotation.

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